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What to Wear? Pink!

Pretty in Pink... in any shade

What to wear? Red

Bright and bold, this color is a showstopper.

What to Wear? Baby Blue

Elegant... a perfect choice for Spring and Summer Sessions

What to Wear? Shades of Green and Teal

Emeralds and Teals are beautiful in the Fall and Winter while lighter shades work for Spring and Summer.

What to Wear? Neutrals... White

Whether a solid white dress, or paired with a bolder color, White is a timeless, elegant, and even sassy choice.

What to Wear? Neutrals... Black

Black is elegant and timeless. Whether paired with white or another color, black looks good on everyone.

What to Wear? Neturals... Tan, Cream, Brown, and Gray

While not everyone can pull off the lighter tones of gray and cream, paired with another color these neutrals can be a statement all their own.

What to Wear? Florals

A pretty floral shirt or dress looks stunning, especially for a spring or summer shoot. Make sure that any pattern you chose doesn't "steal the show" but instead complements you. Florals can be an elegant option.

What to wear? Pastels

Pretty pastels are an excellent option for Spring and Summer session, especially when the colors are accentuated by the spring flowers.

What to wear? Bold Jewel Tones

Bold colors pop in photos. These jewel tones are especially lovely in the Fall and Winter but can be worn year round.

What to wear? Don't Forget the Accessories

For the best variety in your photo shoot, include fun accessories like statement shoes, blingy belts, hats, fun jewelry, floral boquets, and sunglasses.

What to Wear? Guys! Dress Up!

Guys, don't be afraid to dress up. Wear that suit, with or without a tie. Wear that blazer with a T-shirt and jeans if you can't bring yourself to put on the tie an slacks. These images are always the most loved by moms, grandmothers, and girlfriends!

What to Wear? Guys- Dressy Casual

A nice pair of khakis or jeans with a button-up shirt is a great option. You can choose white, blacks, bold colors or pastels. You are guaranteed to rock this looks at your session.